Friday, September 25, 2015

The Daily Frame September 17th-23rd Remington, Virginia Photographer

Hello Friends!! It's been a bit since I've been able to share a post. Things have been super busy with work and by the time I get home there just isn't enough time to edit photos. I'm still trying my best to keep up, but there are days where I miss getting a shot in.  I've accepted not to force and just get my photos as I can.   So let's get to it and share some photos from our week. 

Day 260/365:  Sick 
My girl was so sick today. She was literally green and so dehydrated. Stomach bugs are just the worst. This was taken with my iphone 5. 

261/365: Keeping up with the guys 
This evening you started to feel better. Before you left to go to your Dad's you wanted to try to play some guitar like the boys. You've had this little guitar since you were 3 and have loved it dearly.  I think it's time for an upgrade to a real guitar though. 

262/365: Boys and Boo Boo's 
As a boy it seems your always having some sort of bruise, cut, or scrape. It makes you tough, but there is still something about bandaids that make it all better. 

263/365: With Me
Each month for 30 minutes in the life, we are challenged to get in the frame. At first I'm always bummed and frustrated about getting in front of the camera instead of being behind it. I'm never happy with how I look, I get emotional because the image doesn't quite turn out the way I see it in my mind. Then I get them loaded on my computer and I see it and I think why did I get so bummed out about this? Look at this moment with my baby and I. I know I will cherish this image. I will look at it and cry. I will remember how every single day you have to wear a cape. You hate wearing clothes that match, and most of all, I love how you are looking at me and how I'm looking at you. It's honest and real. I'm not going to care that my arm looks huge or that you can see my other body imperfections. So thank you to my ladies at 30 minutes in the life for always pushing and inspiring me to be in the frame when I don't always want to.

264/365: Snack
You love getting apples. It's one of your favorite snacks. I'm not really sure what was going on outside here, but you were really checking it out. I just had to grab my camera and grab a shot when you were not paying attention. (Yes, he's wearing a glove, another piece to add to his dressing up) :)

265/365: Late night shot
Tonight I almost missed my shot. It was late when we got home and by the time dinner and dishes were done it was already dark out. So this isn't the best shot. The light in the room was minimal, so it's dark and grainy.

266/365: First Day of Fall
Fall is definitely starting to show itself. I love the evening fall light. It is golden and dreamy.  Tonight it was perfect. We had one wish flower in the front yard and you were just dying to wish on it. What ever your wish, I hope it comes true sweet girl.

Thanks so much for checking out my post this week.  I hope you will follow along and see what the other girls have been up to this week. Next up is my very talented friend Deanna, from Daisy Baby Photography.  Click here to see what she has to share this week.

Until next time... xo


  1. Oh that wish photo is amazing!!!! love love love! So happy you are back to posting :)

    1. Thank you so much!!! I miss you ladies!!! I'm super glad to be back. xoxo
