Thursday, August 1, 2013

President Bill Clinton / Northern Virginia Photographer

Several months ago I had the honor of photographing the Inova Heart and Vascular Cardiology Symposium.  The key note speaker for this event was former President Bill Clinton.  I was lucky enough to be the photographer of this event. President Clinton was in office when I was a teenager and into my young adult years. I must admit he is my favorite president thus far. I took a million photographs, but the ones posted below are my favorite.  This day was also my birthday.  I think I will always remember this birthday and I hope to be able to share this memory with my children.  What I noticed most in this brief time of interacting with him, was he was the most down to earth, humble man. As we walked down to the conference room he took a moment to acknowledge every individual that was standing in the hallway just hoping to get a glimpse.  He shook as many hands as possible and thanked all of the hotel workers.  He told us stories of when he was in the white house, his heart disease and the steps he has taken to make a lifestyle change. He expressed his desire to have grandchildren. He told us about how he and Hillary met and fell in love. One of my favorite parts of his speech was listening to him talk about how he is still friends with his buddies from highschool and they still get together frequently. I very much enjoyed his speech and there was a line that struck me, and I jotted it down just to use for this post.  It really struck me and I wanted to be able to remember it because it is so true.  " I was taught that everyone's life has an interesting story, but most people are afraid to tell it."    On that note, here is a brief glimpse in to a portion of a story and memory in my life.

 Thank you for taking the time to view this post.  If you are interested in scheduling a session, please contact me at

Until next time...

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